ביז-טק Biz-Tec - שיווק עסקים, כנסים והדרכות
 מגזין דיגיטלי - פורטל ספקים B2B - מועדון עסקים VIP 


דרג פריט זה
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Biz-Tec Services

Biz-Tec Center for Management Information, conferences, training and technology and business-specializes in the initiation and organization of conferences and theme seminars, training sessions, advisory, information and new technology management services, in all management areas, in many fields of economic activity.Its activities are integrative with Portal and Internet Networking.

Portal Biz-Tec

Biz-Tech activities are integrated in the framework of the Internet Portal for management information and computerization at: www.Biz-tec.co.il ;which has been constructed as a workstation for managers and businessmen, as an aid for management decision-making.The Portal is designed to enable an interactive interface between businessmen, managing-directors, and senior management personnel, and between the suppliers of management solutions, and management and technological training .

 for the business community: the Portal is designed to provide a management information center, andprovide subscribers to the Biz-Tech Website with specialized and individualized services and other management information.

for the suppliers of management solutions and computerization: organizational and business advisers, lecturers and suppliers of management training, suppliers of organizational computerized solutions and business services. The Portal provides a platform and focus for the services they provide to a specific and relevant business audience.

Conferences and theme seminars

Biz-Tec is involved in the organization, on a professional level, of conferences and theme seminars, conferences for specific and focused clients for exposure to new ideas in the areas of management, human-resources and training, financial and capital markets and services, and the application of new forms of computerization

-          Theme seminars and conferences - exposure to new ideas and management, finance, Human - resources and organizational computing.

-          Customer conferences: meetings designed for exposure to new products, solutions and ideas.

-          Events in cooperation with Ha'aretz newspaper "Ha'aretz-The Marker" Events.

-          Events in corporation with leading organizations in the economy: professional organization and the academia. 


Management Training


Biz-Tech is involved in the development and application of innovative courses and training, designed for managerial and staff development in all areas of management, with the emphasis on integration of new management information technologies.  The courses are designed and constructed in conjunction with the specialized needs of the client organization, with the most experienced lecturers provided in the fields of:


-          Human-resources and training: management development, management skills, negotiation and conciliation.


-          Finance, insurance and capital markets: Stock Exchange investment, taxation,  costing, commercial law.


-          Marketing, sales and customer service: Integrate systems including CRM and electronic commerce.


-          Purchasing, logistic support and management: ERP integrated with the computerized warehouse


-         Information Systems : commercial intelligence, management information, organizational learning-KM, BI, training in computer and office applications.


Advertising and market exposure of new applications in computerization and management

Biz-Tec supplies platforms for marketing and exposure of new approaches in the areas of management and computerization by means of a number of channels: via Management Fortel, Directed e-mailing systems, Specific client meetings, and direct exposure to relevant factors and personnel in organizations.

נקרא 3297 עודכן לאחרונה ב ראשון, 17 יוני 2012 16:01